Your current situation and your future are two different things. Saving money requires thinking ahead. If you are in college right now, or are otherwise just starting out, this post is for you. I was just out of high school around the time this arrest photo of Bill Gates was taken, one of several arrests in the late 1970s. He was already successful, but probably had no idea of just … [Read more...]
Five Essentials for Financial Wealth
Creating financial wealth requires understanding five essentials; investing concepts that really work if you apply them to all your investment decisions. It would be nice if we could all make investments like a machine, and "set it and forget it," but because we are human, it is near impossible to do. We are emotional creatures, not Mr. Spock. Even so, knowledge is power. Consider these five … [Read more...]
If You Slice and Dice
I am a little hesitant even to do a post like this. Simplicity rules. For most people, a three-fund portfolio, containing a total domestic stock, total foreign stock, and total bond market fund, is all you really need. Another simple option is the four-fund portfolio, which adds domestic Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). (Note both REITs and bonds should be located within tax-advantaged … [Read more...]